President's Elite Ducks Unlimited Chapters Recognizes Georgetown Chapter

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President's Elite Ducks Unlimited Chapters
Georgetown, SC is a wonderful outdoor destination. Locals and additional support from throughout the state helped the local chapter of DU raise over $100,000. Additionally, click on the this link to see what our neighbors at Arcadia Plantation did several years ago.

We love nature here at DeBordieu. Waterfowl, wading birds, song birds, and birds of prey can be found all around the community.

GEORGETOWN, S.C. – March 20, 2012 – The President's Elite are among Ducks Unlimited's most prestigious volunteer chapters throughout the nation. Every year, the list is reserved for the chapters that raise $100,000 or more for DU's habitat conservation work. This past fall, the Georgetown Chapter made the list as one of the organization's best fundraising chapters.

"These fundraising events are the backbone of DU's habitat conservation efforts, and the volunteers who make up these chapters are the grassroots force making a difference for North American waterfowl populations," said DU President John Newman. "It takes a great deal of effort to achieve the President's Elite level, and these chapters deserve to be congratulated by every person who enjoys the outdoors."

The Georgetown Chapter earned a spot in the President's Elite out of the more than 2,700 DU chapters nationwide. DU's event fundraising system has long been a model for other conservation organizations around the world and has funded a significant portion of the more than 12 million acres of wetlands and associated habitat DU has conserved since 1937.

This year's President's Elite chapters also have the distinction of being honored during DU's 75th Anniversary year, celebrated with special events and wetland project dedications nationwide. The President's Elite will be recognized during DU's 75th National Convention in Nashville at the end of May, with many chapter representatives in attendance.

"DU chapters across the country are showing that the future of waterfowl populations and the wetlands that filter our drinking water and protect us from flooding are important to them and to their communities," Newman said. "The more money we raise, the more habitat we can conserve and the closer we are to preserving our waterfowl hunting heritage. I would like to personally thank all our President's Elite chapters for their achievement and look forward to seeing them among our distinguished chapters next year."

Ducks Unlimited is the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving North America's continually disappearing waterfowl habitats. Established in 1937, DU is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, with special events, projects and promotions across the continent. Ducks Unlimited has conserved more than 12 million acres thanks to contributions from more than a million supporters across the continent. Guided by science and dedicated to program efficiency, DU works toward the vision of wetlands sufficient to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever.

President's Elite Ducks Unlimited Chapters
DU Chapters that raised more than $100,000 (2011 fundraising year)
Each year a select group of Ducks Unlimited chapters rises to the top of the ranks as the President's Elite, each raising $100,000 or more annually for DU's habitat conservation work. This year's 60 DU chapters that achieved President's Elite status are listed below.

1. West Suburban
2. Houston
3. Vero Beach
4. Baton Rouge
5. St Louis Mid County
6. Geauga County
7. Benton County
8. Dallas
9. Seattle
10. Macon-Moweaqua
11. Southern Fairfield
12. Shreveport
13. Lafayette Area
14. New York City
15. Anchorage Spring Bar B Q
16. Half Moon Bay
17. Brandywine
18. New Orleans
19. East Of The Cooper
20. Beaver Dam
21. Fallen Timbers
22. Memphis
23. Chicago Downtown
24. Western Nebraska
25. Hinds County
26. Galveston
27. West Hennepin
28. Corpus Christi
29. Mayville
30. Mid-Iowa
31. The Originals
32. Greater Grand Rapids
33. Richmond
34. San Antonio
35. Pine Tree State
36. Appoquinimink
37. Bismarck
38. Lake Forest Area
39. Christina Lake
40. Mexia
41. Potomac Valley
42. Fremont Area
43. Garrison
44. Midland
45. Dickinson
46. Germantwn/Cordova
47. Georgetown
48. Gillette
49. Fredericksburg
50. Central Arkansas
51. Gallatin-Madison
52. Upper Lafourche
53. Sabine
54. Lake County
55. Wichita
56. Kent County
57. Greater Baltimore
58. South Johnson County
59. Palo Alto
60. Big Thicket


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