The Turtles are Hatching!

As many of you may know, the coast of South Carolina is a nesting spot for sea turtles. DeBordiue's beach is patrolled each moorning during nesting season by "Turtle Volunteers." They make note, map, mark, and many times relocate the nests of the turtles that visited during the night.
Tis the season for hatchings.
The volunteers can accurately predict when these baby turtles hatch, dig their way out of the sand, and crawl to the ocean. I just heard that this week there was hatch with on turtle, and last night there was a htach with seven baby turtles! These events have become quite the attraction. Nearly 40 people were present last night to see this amazing event. Call the office to find out when you and your family can go cheer the turtles on and watch them crawl their way to water.
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