Summer is a Rockin: Scuba Diving Video

Oh so much to do and so little time!
There is so much to do this time of year. Number 1 would have to be a visit to the beach! I think that is a given, that everyone knows of. Over the next couple of weeks I hope to show a few people some extras that our area offers that are often overlooked.
Spearfishing is certainly not for everyone. Scuba diving off of South Carolina for that matter will only be of interest to a few people.
I do think it is interesting to know that our diving off of the South Carolina coast can be very good. We have many ship wrecks, artificial reefs, live bottom, and ledges to explore. Water clarity can be surprisingly clear. Tons of sea life lurks just below the surface. Schools of spadefish and amberjack are the most common. It is not unusual to see tropical fish that you would only expect to see in the Bahamas or South Florida.
Below are a couple of videos from a well know local diver, Kent Rogerson. Kent owns a hard wood flooring business in Georgetown. He does lots of work in DeBordieu.
